
People often ask us questions and sometimes argue. We welcome all questions and happy to provide the answers.

  • Quantum mechanics enables calculation of pre-exponential factor and transition energies in kinetics of elementary chemical reactions; however «quantum-chemical reactions» inherently do not exist. You called your reactor a quantum-chemical reactor. Why?

    In quantum chemistry the processes involving vibration-excited molecules are called «quantum-chemical» processes. At the first step active H*, O* and OH* chemical agents accumulate in Quanttor reactor due to exchange of electromagnetic energy quanta between thermodynamically non-equilibrium conversion products. Then chemical reactions occur involving the above-mentioned chemical agents. That is why our reactor is called a quantum-chemical reactor.

  • You’re asserting that combustion of super-lean FAMs (275 kcal/cbm) is possible in your reactor. How? It is energetically possible?

    If you heat the entire amount of FAM coming into reactor, then it’s impossible. However if only chemical agents are non-thermally activated at the first step, then 275 kcal/cbm will be the minimum content, achieved in a specific reactor, enabling chemical reactions to proceed without any third-party energy source.

  • Your patent asserts that your reactor enables conversion of hydrocarbon fuel. Do you mean incomplete oxidation of hydrocarbon fuel in situations where oxidizing agent is insufficient?

    Hydrocarbon fuel conversion is the process of converting initial fuel (e.g. gasoline) to hydrogen and carbon monoxide. eactions proceed in normal fuel-air mixtures.

  • Your patent specifies that exhaust gas doesn’t contain any carbon char. However this is practically infeasible when it goes about gas fuel, let alone liquid fuel. Is everything converted to plasma inside the reactor?

    There’s no plasma. We are capable of creating equal conditions inside the reactor for burning both carbon and hydrogen.

  • According to Quanttor reactor description it’s somehow similar to gas lasers. Is it true?

    Thank you for an interesting question. Yes, it’s true. Quanttor was developed as a gas-dynamic appliance for converting chemical energy of fuel directly to kinetic energy of products resulting from reaction.

  • We can see that you have been observing physical and chemical processed that neither could be observed during traditional lab experiments nor could be reproduced at the computer, nor using common chemical mechanisms. It is possible to develop software for your technology?

    We are planning to develop software that will help us design reactors of virtually any capacity. However SW development is a complicated process, and in order to reach such an objective we would need significant amount of experiment data.

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